About Me

My photo
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
She slid onto the swing dance floor wearing a burnt yellow and brown snowsuit from the 1990s, helmet, ski goggles, and socks. Oblivious to the excess pant legs under her feet, she grabbed a goofy dancer and flew into a jitterbug while the sister she had only met 4 times in her life took blurry pictures with an old iPhone. Dancing in a new city 1400 miles from home, borrowing snowsuits from strangers, long-lost sister taking weird photos of you and going skiing for a week - who contains that kind of excitement? Not me!

3D Scanner and Rapidform Tutorials

3D Scanner tutorial, using the Vivid 9i:
3D Scanning Tutorial

I wanted to help the next person who had to learn Rapidform on their own, so I started making this tutorial:
Rapidform Tutorial, Part I

Here is Part 2, which I didn't have time to finish:
Rapidform Tutorial, Part II


  1. Thanks Alot, Helped me get started with Rapidform. Would love if I found a decent Freeform video or tutorial, I can do surfaces fine, but making them as smooth as possible is a bit hard for me.

  2. I'm so glad this has helped you!!
